The Racketeer

The Racketeer

by John Grisham
==Plot== Malcolm Bannister is an African American attorney in a small-town Virginia law firm. A real estate transaction which he undertook in good faith turns out to have involved the purchase of a secluded hunting lodge where a crooked Capitol Hill lobbyist invited corrupt Congressmen for debaucherous orgies with underage girls. After being caught up in a large FBI sweep, Bannister is tried and convicted of racketeering despite his protestations of innocence. After hearing of the brutal murders of federal judge Raymond Fawcett and his mistress, Bannister makes a deal with the FBI to give them the name of the killer, in exchange for his release and being put into the Witness Protection Program, supposedly to protect him from the killer's associates. He informs them that Quinn Rucker, a drug dealer he met in prison, had vowed to escape and murder Fawcett as revenge for a failed bribery attempt in which the judge took $500,000 but didn't follow through on his end of the deal. Acting on information from Bannister, the FBI arrest Quinn and, despite having no evidence against him, manipulate him into confessing to the murder using legal interrogation tactics. Following the indictment, Quinn claims to have been unlawfully coerced into the confession.

Bannister is released and given a new face and identity: Max Reed Baldwin. After the FBI discovers that Rucker's gang knows Bannister's whereabouts and is seeking revenge, he leaves the program and goes off the radar. He sets up a fake film company and meets another man he had met in prison, Nathan Cooley, who doesn't recognize him. Bannister convinces Cooley to take part in the filming of a documentary about corruption in the FBI and the DEA. He rents a private plane, ostensibly to fly the two to Florida, but drugs Cooley during the flight and has the plane fly to Jamaica, framing him for drug smuggling and gun running in the process. As the only white inmate in a jail where all other prisoners and the guards are black, Cooley finds himself the subject of vicious bullying.

Bannister tells Cooley that it was Jamaican officials who framed him, and are demanding $500,000 for his release. Cooley tells Bannister of a secret stash of gold worth $8.5 million hidden in his backyard, which Bannister arranges for Vanessa, his lover and accomplice, to steal, before he returns to the US. After the two of them hide the gold in a series of safety deposit boxes, Vanessa - in reality Quinn's sister - reveals to Quinn's lawyer that her brother has an alibi for the time of Fawcett's murder. The FBI, after receiving an email about the gold from Bannister, realize that he and Quinn have been working together; Quinn's arrest and indictment was all part of a plan to enable Bannister to leave prison and take the gold from Fawcett's killer, before clearing Quinn's name.

In exchange for immunity for both himself and Quinn, Bannister reveals to the FBI that Cooley is Fawcett's real killer. Before he was imprisoned, Cooley discovered the gold - which Fawcett had taken from a mining company in exchange for a favorable ruling giving them permission to mine uranium - and told Bannister about his plans to steal it while in prison in an attempt to convince the attorney to get him an early release. Bannister promises to send a bar of gold with Cooley's fingerprints to the FBI as proof of his guilt, while also anticipating that Cooley will make a full confession to the murder in order to get out of Jamaica. Bannister warns the FBI to investigate the bribery that took place between Judge Fawcett and the mining company, or he will give the story to the press. The novel ends with Bannister, Vanessa, Quinn - revealed to be Bannister's best friend - and Quinn's brother Dee Ray celebrating in Antigua with all the gold.